Monday 12 December 2011

Storyboard of Initial Film Idea

This is the storyboard of my initial film idea - of the shots that I plan to have.  I will further develop this yet these are the main shots that I plan to have with the location and mise-en-scene.  The focus will be on the bath scene, a tap, telephone and a lake.  Varied shots will include extreme close-up shots, cut-aways, wide shots, mid shots and close-up shots.

 Mid-shot of character from above, tap can be heard
 Close-up of face from the side - zooming inwards

Tap - extreme close-up from a certain angle (tap dripping can be heard)

Wide shot of forest - subject on the left (character) rain can be heard on the lake 
Telephone ringing - medium shot/ zooming inwards

Running footage - tracking on a steadicam

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