Sunday 15 April 2012

Evaluation - Part 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? 

Pan's Labyrinth - 
With Room Mate being a thriller that would aim to please small audience - being a low budget film; it wouldn't live up to the large expectations of highly produced CGI films that attract a large audience worldwide - such as films like Avatar which was the first film with a gross profit of more than $2 billion distributed my a large media conglomerate - 20th Century Fox.  Studio Canal, formerly known as Optimum releasing, distributes creative films across all genres such as Pan's Labyrinth and many others; and releasing many independent films including foreign films.  I think a media institution as such would distribute my media product as it depicts the thriller genre effectively with an interesting and new plot that is emphasised by the wide range of artistic camera angles - rather than being a film of the large media conglomerates such as Paramount, 20th Century Fox, Dreamworks etc. that focus largely on distributing to a mainstream audience.  An institution that would distribute my film would take into account the emphasised idea of family loss, mental state and generally the thriller genre that is shown - through illusions and imagination and how the mind can play tricks on someone.  A film such as Pan's Labyrinth presents a character that escapes into an eerie yet captivating fantasy world - which my films suggests as in Room Mate where she is overtaken by the illusions and the world in her mind.  Therefore I was inspired by a media institution that would distribute a film as such (Studio Canal/ Optimum releasing) being independent yet attracts an audience; taking into account independent film and artistic ability - Pan's Labyrinth  won 3 Oscars and many other awards which I think suggests that independent film can be successful and largely appreciated as the company grows further - rising to become one of the leading distributors in the UK home entertainment sector.  

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