Friday 27 January 2012

Ideas for Production Company and Title Sequence

To plan the production ident for the opening of my film; I have thought about a logo that will emphasise the main idea of my film and suggest what is to come.  The main plot of my film emphasises the character's loss of reality as she begins to experience traumatic hallucinations of the murderer that soon becomes a too strong pigment of imagination - she begins to experience his presence in her own house.  In my personal perspective I see the murderer as non-existent; being just a ghost of bad memories in 'Alice's' life yet in her perspective; her mind convinces her that this ghost is real.  I was inspired by the title sequence of Alfred Hitchcock's 'Vertigo' (1958) created by Saul Blass; that seems to creatively portray a 'spiralling' effect that could suggest the mental state that vertigo would have on us when experienced.  The way a shot focuses on an eye; and then spiralling graphics slowly start to appear then completely take over the shot is very effective.  It takes the audience to the world inside this characters head as it spirals inwards and inwards.  The distortion of the spirals as they grow, expand and spin are effective in suggesting that this state is ongoing and how bizarre it is. 


This idea is very effective and I can use a similar idea for my logo that could suggest how my character's mental state deteriorates as the hallucinations become more vivid as she progresses along in the film.  I like the idea of an eye; and then distorting it as it completely dominates the shot perhaps also suggesting that it is in her mind.  This needs to look vivid and creative yet also eerie to suggest the thriller genre. I have thought of names for the production company based around the concept of hallucination - 'Phantasm' is a strong word that seems to suggest the character's mental state perfectly of how empowering her imagination is.  Phantasm:  1. Supposed ghost or spirit - a supposed being, e.g. a ghost or a disembodied spirit, that can be seen but does not have physical substance
2. Delusion or illusion - an understanding or perception that is not based on reality

Using 'Phantasm' in the name of my production company eg. 'Phantasm films/productions/images' etc. will be very effective in suggesting the main idea of my film and genre. 

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